(ISO 90001: 2015, 5001: 2018, 4001: 2015, 45001:2018, 27001:2013 Certified College)


Affiliated to Andhra University

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Latest News / Events
Examinations of Fourth semester scheduled from 9th April 2025 as per the notification issued by Andhra University . Second semester examinations are tentatively scheduled between second and third week of April


14 th Nov, 2024 Inaugural of National Library Week followed by Power Point Presentation about “Use of Information resources at Central Library in Visakha Govt Degree College(W), Visakhapatnam.” Participants: First Year Students from BEA, B.A, B.Com & B. Sc Students.

15 th Nov, 2024 Essay Writing Particpants: First, Second and Final Year Students from BA, B Com. B. Sc, BBA

16 th Nov, 2024 Quiz Competitions Participants:All Students from BA, B Com, B.Sc, BBA

18 th Nov, 2024 Visit to Visakhapatnam Public Library Participants: Final Year Students from BA,B Com, B. Sc, BBA

19 th Nov, 2024 Orientation on Online e-resources available in INFLIBNET and DELNET Participants: Final Year Students from BA,B Com, B. Sc, BBA.

20 th Nov, 2024 Valedictory Function And Distribution of Prizes Participants: All Students from BA,B Com, B. Sc, BBA


The Central Library is kept open on all working days of the college from 9:30 A.M to 6:00 P.M.

The students must sign in the Gate Register while entering the Central Library.

No Student is allowed to enter the Library with their personal belongings or bags except plain paper to take notes.

Silence should be strictly maintained both in and around the premises of the Central Library.

Books will be issued to students according to library timetable using their identity cards.

Every student is issued seven books for a period of one month and can renew their books further depending on their interest.

Students must return the borrowed books before the due date.

Books or other materials taken from the stacks should not be re-shelved by the readers. They should be left on the reading table after use. (Please remember that a document misplaced is a document lost.

Reference and Multivolume books and Periodicals will not be issued to students for loan. They can be used in the Library for reading and reference.

Students should handle the books with care and should not write their names or mark any lines while reading the book.

Students should physically verify the condition of the books before taking it for loan. They last student would be responsible for the damaged book.

If students lose any book they might replace the book or pay the amount equivalent to double the cost of the book.

No-Dues Certificate will not be issued unless the student returns all the books borrowed from the Central Library.

Central Library follows Dewey Decimal Classification scheme (000-999) for the arrangement of books.

Readers should maintain peace in the library and should not disturb other users in any way.

Chairs and tables should not be disturbed from their position.

Users should avoid resting their feet on tables, chairs, shelves, window sills.

Readers leaving the library should allow the library/security staff to examine reading material their personal belongings.

Issued materials should be protected from Rain, Dust, Insects, etc.Readers should not deface, mark, cut, mutilate or damage library material in any way. If anyone is found doing so she will be charged the full replacement cost of the material.

Change in Department, Status, E-mail, Address etc. to be informed.

Personal papers and non-library materials should not be left unattended on tables.

Do not move books/journals from its specific area to another area.

Do not give Id-card to others.

The holder of ID-Card is responsible for any book issued against it as shown by library records.

If one book of a set is damaged or lost, the member concerned shall be liable to replace the whole set.

Outsiders are sign the register kept at the Check point, while entering the library.

Show the documents which are being taken out of the library, to the staff at the check point.

Contact the staff on duty/section staff for any queries.

Keep the Library premises clean and tidy.


Students and staff have to sign the gate register kept at the Check Point while entering the Library.
Show the documents which are being taken out of the Library to the staff at Check Point.
Keep the Library premises tidy.