SWOC and Achievements
- Remote access to e-resources (INFEED).
- KOHA Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
- Newly arrived books.
- Rich Collection of Competitive Books.
- Usage and dependence on the e-resources from N-LIST, DELNET and National Digital Library.
- Lively atmosphere for reading.
- Interesting motivational and personality development printed book collection.
- Technical Treats to Computer Hardware and failure.
- Problems with Internet Access.
- Power failure data loss due to inadequate backup.
- Natural Treats: Destruction from squirrels and ants.
- Human Treats: Computer hacking treats, Human error while working on the systems and sabotage.
- Long term preservation of rare books that have become fragile and old.
- Wear and tear of frequently circulated books.
- Dust accumulation on the books and racks.
- To engage more students to use library e-resources.
- To complete the digitization of rare books.
- To initiate the implementation of Radio Frequency Identification Technology.
- To protect the books against the accumulation of dust, misuse, wear and tear.
- To maintain the old and fragile books in the library in good condition.