The Department of Physics, Visakha Govt Degree College Visakhapatnam started its functioning in 1998 catering to the needs of science students in tune with the demands of the Institution and improved its strength. The Department offers a three year B.Sc course with six semesters in which first four semester switch common core theory papers and final year with internships. Department so offers four–Semester M. Sc. Programme (Two years duration) where the students will follow the prescribed affiliated Andhra University Syllabus. Department consists of 5 experienced faculty members with 2 Doctorates.
Department today is an active beehive of research being carried out in a wide variety of frontier areas as well as high quality post-graduate and doctoral programs. There search programs of the Department cover a number of areas like Ionospheric Physics, Materials Science, Solid State Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Nano Science etc. The faculty members have presented/published research papers in National/International Conferences and Journals.
The department has flexibility in framing courses and conducting tests and examinations. It has been recognized that teaching in this department is among the best in the city. The faculty is also very active in extension programmes in reaching out to students and the general public, through popular articles in the local press. Faculty always enriches their knowledge by attending number of Refresher Courses and Teacher Training Programmes, demonstration lectures, summer video lessons etc. Faculty of the department is updated with current advanced technologies like teaching online, recording the classes online and offline.
The department has received funds from UGC under MRP program.