Only Registered Members can borrow general, text books, reference and teacher reference from Central Library on production of their individual Identity Card issued by the institute at the circulation desk. Each book issued to the user(s) must get proper gate pass which they have to surrender at the check-point to the security. The following circulation services have been provided by the Central Library:
- Issue/Check-out
- Return/Check-in
- Renew
- Reservation/Hold
- E-mail Alerts on every transaction
Circulation of Documents
All jobs related to method of borrowing books and returning them after use and creation and maintenance of relevant records and files. The lending (issuing) and returning of books is called charging and discharging respectively.
The circulation work involves activities like:
- Registration of members.
- Lending of books.
- Charging of over-dues
- Reservation of books
- Renewal of books
- inter Library Loan
- Maintenance of Statistics