Message from Principal's Desk
Dr. R. Manjula
M.Sc,M.Phil,Ph.D., PGDCA

Visakha Govt Degree College for Women was started with the noble intention of empowering the girl students of the city of destiny and its neighboring areas with quality education.This is one of the pioneering colleges in the city of Visakhapatnam established only for women.
The main motto of this institution is to not only impart quality education to the students but also provide opportunities to enhance their employability skills and explore their imminent potentials and hidden talents.Keeping in tune with the changing academic environment where use of information technology tools have become necessary to impart quality knowledge and education, the faculty of this institution have been always been in the upfront to adapt to the new environment with upgraded skills and knowledge.
The mission of our college is to contribute substantially to fulfill the dream of our nation of making women equal partners in building a strong and powerful nation in all aspects.
Our institution and its dedicated faculty are committed to put in their best efforts to produce talent of international standards.Based on the changing national and global needs, new and improved value-added courses have been introduced to enrich the knowledge of students and make them competent enough to meet the changing demands of the job market.
We,as a cohesive team pledge to strive for excellence in all aspects to transform the young women into confident, socially conscious and skilled individuals who could contribute to making the word a better place to live.