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Department of Psychology

Department of Psychology

The Department of Psychology was started in the year 2000 . Psychology is offered as a course in two combinations of BA - Psychology, Economics and Politics, and Education, Social Work, Psychology. This is the only A.U affiliated degree college offering Psychology course. The Department is also offering post graduate program of M.Sc Psychology since 2012, and the admissions are through AUCET counseling . The syllabus of AU is followed for UG and PG programs . The degree students can pursue M.Sc Psychology in the same college.

The Department of Psychology has highly qualified staff with vast experience. The department possess a well equipped laboratory catering to the practical and research needs of the students. Apart from theoretical knowledge , the students are exposed to practical experience of using various psychological tools and tests. Standardized tests for assessing personality , intelligence , learning , memory, aptitudes and other psychological processes are available. Students are also trained to do case studies and counseling of children, adolescents and adults. The students visit Hospital for Mental Care, School for Mentally Challenged,Old age homes, etc, to get a first hand experience.

Latest Teaching-Learning techniques like digital classes, virtual classes, ppts, are used . Apart from regular teaching, students are made to participate in group discussions, student seminars and project work. Students are encouraged to conduct community based projects off campus , like career guidance, IQ testing, study habits, adolescent problems and other psychological issues.

Another significant feature of the department is VCPAC - Visakha Center for Psychological Assessment and Counseling. Through this center the department offers counseling , Psychological testing, career and vocational guidance and other psychological services to our college students as well as to the public.

Psychology is an interesting, modern and contemporary subject and many students are enthusiastic to learn the subject. Study of Psychology helps in personal development, good social relations , understanding others, identifying and solving problems of self and others, diagnosis of mental disorders, etc.Specialisations offered in BA are Clinical Psychology, Child Psychology, Social Psychology, Educational Psychology Counseling Psychology , Adolescent Psychology . Students of Psychology can opt for careers like Counselors, Child psychologists, HR managers, Health Psychologists, Teaching professionals,and Researchers. Certificate courses are also conducted by the department .

Other highlights and achievements of the department are - Dr.S.Asha Rani, associate professor, received State Level Best Teacher award from Government of Andhra Pradesh. Three students of the department received Pratibha award for highest marks from Government of Andhra Pradesh.