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Examinations of Fourth semester scheduled from 9th April 2025 as per the notification issued by Andhra University . Second semester examinations are tentatively scheduled between second and third week of April


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About MicroBiology Department

Microbiology has proved to be one of the most important disciplines in biology. microbiology is the study of biological organisms that are too small to be seen with the naked eyes Microbes are the basis of the biosphere, As the foundation of the biosphere and major determinants of human health, microbes claim a primary, fundamental role in life on earth. Hence, the study of microbes is pivotal to the study of all living things, and microbiology is essential for the study and understanding of all life on this planet.

Microbiology research is changing rapidly. The field has been impacted by events that shape public perceptions of microbes, such as the emergence of globally significant diseases, threats of bioterrorism, increasing failure of formerly effective antibiotics and therapies to treat microbial diseases, and events that contaminate food on a large scale. Microbial research is taking advantage of the technological advancements that have opened new fields of inquiry, particularly in genomics.

The Department of Microbiology strives to educate its students cores of microbiology as they will be the researchers of tomorrow. Microbiology provides exceptional teaching tools and is of pivotal importance to understanding biology. At the undergraduate level, a thorough knowledge of microbiology should be made a part of the core curriculum for life science majors. The scope of Microbiology is huge because of the involvement of microbiology in various fields as Pharmacy, Medicine, clinical research, agriculture, dairy industry, water industry, nanotechnology & chemical technology.

An undergraduate degree in microbiology gives you the opportunity to work at science laboratories and pathology labs. Likewise having a PG in microbiology, gives opportunities to work in microbiology-based industries like pharmacy, dairy, breweries, distilleries, enzyme, etc. and you also can pursue PhD. Students who complete PhD can take up teaching at universities and PG colleges. They can also take up post-doctoral research.

The Department of Microbiology was started in year 1998, the department offers three year restructured undergraduate course in microbiology English medium along with botany and chemistry as combination. The course follows choice-based credit system CBCS under semester pattern with community service project included in curriculum from the academic year 2020-21, every academic year thirty plus students are admitted. The department of Microbiology also provides self-financed Post Graduation Program in Microbiology started in year 2003, with nearly 40 students admitted through PG Entrance examination.

The department of microbiology is well equipped all types of laboratory equipment. The department engages students with ICT based teaching, seminars, project, review of research articles, conducts guest lectures, facilitates visit to blood banks, mushroom cultivation farms etc. This department encourages students to pursue higher education and research.

The Department microbiology for the benefit of its students organizes guest lectures by eminent professors, PG and UG Students are provided with exposure outside the classroom by conducting fields visit to pharmaceutical companies and by carrying out project works at reputable scientific laboratories.

The Department of Microbiology being in the in charge of Heath club of the college regularly conducts Health awareness lectures by professional doctors, blood donation camps in collaboration with Rotary clubs.